Pen-testing: The What, Why and How

Online Security Online apps and tools have become an integral part of how we live and work. If you own or run one of these systems, you will be aware of the constant threat of a cyberattack, and the risks this poses to your business. If you use cloud services you should also be aware [...]

2021-03-24T14:10:10+12:0024 March 2021|

Spotting Covid-19 Scams

As you might expect, the bad guys are trying to use the global Covid-19 pandemic for malicious purposes.  The hunger for information, plus the disruption from half the world going into lock-down, perhaps combined with increased receptiveness to community support, all make this a pandemic rich and morally decrepit online hunting ground. The purpose of [...]

2020-03-30T10:43:58+12:0026 March 2020|

Safe Remote Working

Many of us are already working from home (WFH), to do whatever we can to "flatten the curve" and reduce the potential burden on our healthcare system for those who need it, and those who have to operate in it.  Even more people are likely to start working from home this week, as we head [...]

2020-03-24T10:28:01+12:0024 March 2020|

Free Tools for Working from Home

The Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic is causing ongoing global disruption, in addition to the obvious illness and loss of life in most corners of the globe. Many countries are at different levels of lock-down, supported by the requirement or strong advice to work from home (WFH) if you possibly can.  This is putting some strain on the [...]

2020-03-20T15:30:31+12:0020 March 2020|

phew and the Coronavirus, Covid-19

An altogether different type of virus Although we don’t like to appear alarmist, we are in the business of pre-empting and managing risk and so we prefer to be early and prepared, and to communicate well in advance of predictable scenarios. We are mindful of the potential disruptions that may be caused by the novel [...]

2020-03-12T16:39:03+12:0012 March 2020|

Antivirus – What’s the Deal?

What Is Antivirus? Antivirus software is a type of computer program designed to seek out and remove bad software and exploits like viruses, worms and spyware that can infect your computer. These threats are more generally referred to as "malware", and antivirus is therefore often called "antimalware". Malware is dangerous because it can easily allow [...]

2020-02-19T14:08:25+12:0019 February 2020|

What’s Happening in the World of Passwords

New Report LastPass have released their latest Global Password Security Report. The Report contains some great insights into employee password behaviour at over 47,000 businesses around the world. Password security has gained increased awareness over the last few years. However, the Report highlights that businesses still have a lot of work to do in the [...]

2019-11-27T12:38:31+12:0027 November 2019|

Cyber Smart Week – Privacy Settings

Cyber Smart Week Continues We are partnering with Cert NZ this week to share some practical tips to help keep you and your data safe, by looking at some of the simple steps you can take to keep yourself safe online. Let's challenge ourselves to think again about the assumptions we hold about our level [...]

2019-10-17T16:11:41+12:0017 October 2019|

Cyber Smart Week – Software Updates

Cyber Smart Week Continues During Cyber Smart Week we are partnering with Cert NZ to share some helpful tips as to ways you can review and strengthen your cyber security to stay ahead of cyber attackers and remain safe. Your personal information is highly valuable to attackers who are looking for easy ways to get [...]

2019-10-16T12:46:34+12:0016 October 2019|

Cyber Smart Week – Two Factor Authentication

Cyber Smart Week Continues We are partnering with Cert NZ this week to share some practical tips to help keep you and your data safe online. Many New Zealanders feel as though a cyber attack won’t happen to them.  Unfortunately, we are all potential targets for cyber attacks. However, making sure you’re more secure online [...]

2019-10-15T09:49:15+12:0015 October 2019|
phew cyber security sorted

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