Cyber Smart Week Continues

We’re continuing our focus on Cyber Smart week by sharing more tips from our friends at @CERTNZ. Today’s topic is privacy settings.

What privacy settings?

You like to keep your friends up to date with all those pictures of your pets and kids, but do you really want strangers seeing everything too?

Check all your social media and other app privacy settings this Cyber Smart Week, that way you can be sure you know who can #checkyouout.

Why does it matter?

Unfortunately, not everyone on the internet is interested in your pets and kids and in keeping your info safe. Bad guys may use the personal info you share online to try and get into your accounts.

Outsmart them and make sure you know who you’re sharing with this #CyberSmartWeek.

The key points for checking privacy settings are:

  • If you’re sharing lots of personal info online, it can be used against you.
  • Keeping on top of your privacy settings means you’ve got better control of your data and who can see what.
