We partner with the best of breed security product providers that are relevant to all New Zealand businesses.  We mention these on our Partners page, but we strive to be an independent security solution provider, not an advocate of a single brand for all circumstances.  We believe this best reflects the interests of our clients, and our intention to provide independent, credible and robust advice and solutions to our customers.  We partner with vendors whose products we like, endorse, have long experience with, and use for our own purposes (we dog-food everything we use for our customer solutions).  There is some cross-over between our partner products, and we select the ones, or the combinations, that really make sense, both technically and economically.  When we provide a vendor-based solution we own that solution and provide it as a fully-managed service.  Our pricing reflects service packages and outcomes – not hardware and licenses. If a particular solution isn’t working well enough for your business, we will swap it out at no CAPEX cost to your business.